We care deeply about the people living in our communities and proudly support them and organizations that serve them.

Volunteering at the United Way of Rhode Island’s Annual Children’s Book Drive Event.

We are a proud sponsor of the
Bristol 4th of July Parade.

Our Pawtucket Branch Shred Day was a huge success and we collected donations to benefit Pawtucket Elementary Schools.

We are proud to support our URI community with a donation of gift cards and needed items to the Rhody Outpost.

Volunteering at the
Special Olympics
Rhode Island Summer Games

Credit Unions of RI “Strike For Gold” Bowling Tournament to benefit Special Olympics RI.

Very generous donations collected at our Cranston Shred Day to benefit PARL.

Supported the Burrillville Weekend Snack Pack Program with a donation and volunteers to help pack food.

We are a proud sponsor of the Credit Union Basketball Championships.

Volunteering at Amos House preparing
meals for those in need.

Happy to donate gift cards to the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation to provide to families in need.

Donating hundreds of pounds of food to Better Lives Rhode Island.

Proud to attend the 15th Annual Senior Conference and Expo sponsored by the Senior Agenda Coalition of RI.

Collected and donated children’s hats and mittens to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department.

Our Annual Thanks-for-Giving food drive to benefit local soup kitchens and food pantries is always a success.

We had a wonderful and festive
time volunteering at the Bristol Christmas Festival.

We were so happy to partner with the Pawtucket Police Department by collecting toys in our Pawtucket Branch for the Annual K9s for Kids Holiday Party!

Our Annual Rhode Island Credit Union Scholarship Program awards up to five $1,000 scholarships.